Introduction To Computer

What is computer?

Computer is an electronic machine which process data into useful information

Data: Collection of Raw facts and figures data



·        Text(A-Z,a-z)

·        Integer (0-9)

·        Pictures

·        Audio

·        Video

Information: Data after processing is called Information


Program: used for specific instructions to execute/run

·        Components of Computer

·        Software

·        Hardware


·        Set of instruction to solve the problems

·        Collection of programs to problems

·        Types

·        System Software

·        Application Software

·        Utility Software

System Software:

Control all hardware and software

·        Window XP

·        Window 98

·        Window 7

·        Window 8

·        Window 10


Application Software

Used to solve the user Specific problems


·        Typing

·        MS Word

·        MS Excel

·        MS Power point

·        In page

·        Corel draw

·        Adobe photo shop


Utility Software:

Manage the extra Functionality of Software

·         Anti virus

·         Task Manager


Physical Parts of Computer which can see and touch

·        Input Devices

Used to give input/Command to the computer

·        Keyboard

·        Mouse

·        Scanner

·        Microphone

·         Camera

·        Joy Stick

·        Touch pad

·        Touch Screen(Input and output)

·        Output Devices

Used to produce output on screen/paper/sound

·        Monitor/LCD/LED

·        Printer

·        Speaker

·        Plotter

·        Processing Devices

·        CPU

Perform all calculations

·        Branin of computer

·        Centeral Processing unit


Storage Devices

·        Store data temporally as well as permanently

·        Primary Storage

·        RAM(Random Access Memory,Temporarly,volatile memory)

·        ROM(Read Only Memory,Permanetly)


·         Hard Disk

·         Memory Card

·         CD ROM

·         Flash

Comunication Devices

Cumunication Devices


Convert analog signal into digital Signal(0,1) and digital Signal into analog signal

·        Internal

·        External



Types of Computer

·        Analog computer

·        Understand output as signal(wave)

·        ECG

·        Heart bit

·        Digital Computer

·        Understand  output only Binary Form(0,1)(digital Format)


Lab top

·        A-à65-à01000001

·        Bà66-à01000010

·        7à0111

·        4à100

·        3-à0011

·        2à0010

·        1à0001

Hybird Computer

·        Understand analog as well as digital format


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