Introduction To Windows


Introduction to Windwos

Shut down/Turn off

Used to turn off/Shut down the computer

·         Start button-àstart menu-àpower option-àlist-àshut down-àok

·         Press ctrl+Alt+delete-àDialogbox-àpower option-àshut down-àok

·         Press Alt+F4 From keyboard-àDialogbox-àshut down-àok

How to restart the computer

Used to restart the computer for configuration

·         Start button-àstart menu-àpower option-àlist-àRestartàok

·         Press ctrl+Alt+delete-àDialogbox-àpower option-àRestartàok

·       How to lock the computer

Used to lock the computer without closing programs

·         Start button-àstart menu-àAccount option-àlist-àLock àok

·         Press ctrl+Alt+delete-àDialogbox-àpower option-àlockàok

·        Press Window key+L From keyboard-àDialogbox-àLock-àok

How to sleep/Hibernate the computer

Used to lock and sleep the computer temporarily without closing programs

·         Start button-àstart menu-àpower option-àlist-àsleepàok

·         Press ctrl+Alt+delete-àdilogbox-àpower option-àsleepàok

·         Press Alt+F4 From keyboard-àdialogbox-àSleep-àok




How to log off/sign out Account

Used to turn off the account and also close the all program

·         Start button-àstart menu-àpower option-àlist-àlog off àok

·         Press ctrl+Alt+delete-àdilogbox-àpower option-àlog offàok

·         Press Alt+F4 From ke yboard-àdialogbox-àlog offàok

How to switch user Account

Used to shift from one account to another account without closing  programs

·         Start button-àstart menu-àAccount option-àlist-àswitch user(admin/ICT) àok

·         Press ctrl+Alt+delete-àDialogbox-àpower option-àSwitch useràok

·         Press Alt+F4 From keyboard-àDialogbox-àswitch useràok

·    User/window interface

·         Desktop(First Screen)

·         Desktop icons(My computer, Recycle bin)

·         Start button(on Taskbar bottom left corner)

·         Taskbar(start button,icons,notification area)

·        Notification Area(date and time ,internet connection,speaker)

·        How to check computer Specification

·         1.Select my computer icon on desktop àRight click on my computer icon-àlist-àproperties-àshow details

·         2.Start button-àStart Menu-àRight click on my computer icon-àlist-àproperties-àshow details

1.       Window

2.       Processor(CPU)Central Processing unit

3.       RAM(Memory)(Random Access Memory)(Volitile memory,temporary Memory)

4.       System Type(32 bit,64 bit)

5.       Computer Name


·         2.Select my computer icon on desktopàRight click on my computer-àlist-àmanage-àDevice Manager-àprocessor

·         3.Start button-àstart Menu-àsearch optionà-dxdiag-àyes-àDialogbox

·         Date and time

·         Language

·         Manufacturing company

·         Processor with model

·         Memory(MB)

·         BIOS(Basic input output system)

·         Paging

·         Sound info

·         Video Information

·         Input output information

·        How to check Hard Disk Capacity(40 ,80,160,250,320,500,1000 GB)

1.Open my computer-àright click on any drivesàlist-àproperty-

·         Used/Reserved space

·         Free/available Space

·         Total Space

·               2.Right click on my computer-àlist-àmanage-àdevice Manager-àright panel -àdisk drives

·               3.Right click on my computer-àlist-àmanage-àDisk Management

·         Reserved space

·         Free Space

·         Total Space

·         …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

·       Memory Units

·         Unit                                                            memory                                                example

·         1 bit                                            1 or 0                                     0 ya 1

·         1 Nibble                                    4 bit                                        0000 ya  1111      0011 ya 1010

1         Byte                                       8 bit/ 2 Nibble                      00001111             11111111  OR 00110011

·         1 Kilo byte(KB)                      1024 bytes                                            210 Bytes

·         1 Mega Byte(MB)                   1024 KB                                                               220 Bytes

·          1Gaga Byte(GB)                    1024 MB                                               230 bytes

·                1 Tera Byte(TB)                              1024 GB                                                               240 Bytes

·               1 penta Byte(PB)                                1024 TB                                                250 Bytes

·         1 Zenta Byte(ZB)                   1024 PB                                                                260 Bytes               


·       How to change Desktop background

·         Right click on desktopàlist-àpersonalize-àdialog box-àdesktop background-àchoose background-àok

·         Select picture-àright click-àlist-àset as Desktop Background

·      How to set Screen Saver

·         Right click on desktopàlist-àpersonalize-àdialogbox-àSecreen Lock -àScreen Saver SettingàChoose screen Save/3D text-àManage settingàok

·       How to change windows color

·         Right click on desktopàlist-àpersonalize-àdialogbox-àwindows color-àchoose color-àok

·       H How to change windows color ow to change/show/hide icons

·         Right click on desktopàlist-àpersonalize-àdialogbox-àthemes(window 10)àCHANGE ICONàcheck/uncheck REQUIRED ICON to show/.hide-àapply-àOK


·        How to change Mouse Pointer

·         Right click on desktopàlist-àpersonalize-àdialogbox-àThemes(window 10)-àCHANGE Mouse pointer ICONàselect  REQUIRED pointer to show/.hide-àapply-àOK


·        How to Create User Account

·         Start button-àstart menu-àcontrol panel-àuser account-àadd remove account(Manage another Account)-àMange another account-àwrite account name-àapply-àok


Contain data like text,number,symbolys etc

·         Word

·         Excel

·         Power point

·         Text document



·         Container of Files

·         Container of sub folder

·        How to delete file/folder

·         Select file/folder-àright clickàlist-àdelete-àDialogboxàconfirm(yes,No)

·         Select file/folder-àpress Delete key from keyboard-àDialog box-àconfirm(yes/Enter,No)

·   Recycle Bin

·       Store deleted files/folder

·       How to restore deleted files from recycle bin

·         Double click/ Open recycle bin-àselect file-àright click -àlist-àrestore-àyes

·         Double click Open recycle bin-àselect file-àrestore-àyes

·       How to delete file permanently

·         Select file/folder-àPress Shift+Delete from keyboard-àyes

·         Right click on recycle bin-àlistàproperty-àdialogbox-àcheck option don’t move files to the recycle bin-àapply -àok


·        Don’t show deletion dialog box

·         Right click on recycle bin-àlistàproperty-àdialogbox-àunchek Display Delete confirmation dialog boxàapply -àok


·        How to clear recycle bin

·         Select Recycle bin-àright Click-àlist-àEmpty Recycle bin-àYes

·         Open Recycle bin-àEmpty Recycle bin-àYes


·      How to change icons size

·         Right click on desktop-àlist-àview-àsublist-àSmall/large/medium

·       How to arrange icons automatically

·         Right click on desktop-àlist-àview-àsublist-àauto arrange

·        How to show /hide desktop icons

·         Right click on desktop-àlist-àview-àsublist-àcheck show desktop icons

·        How to arrange/sort icons

·         Right click on desktop-àlist-àsort byàsublist-àname/size/date/type

·        How to referesh the computer

·         Right click on desktop-àlist-àRefresh

·         Press F5 from keyboard

·        How to make new folder

·         Right click on desktop-àlist-àNEW--àSub list-àFolder-àwrite name-àok/enter


·        How to change screen resolution

·         Right click on desktop-àlist-àDisplay Setting-àScreen resolution-àdialog box-àchange resolution and orientaion-àapply -àok


·       How to open file/folder

·         Select file/folder-àright click-àlistàopen

·         Select file/folder-àdouble click

·         Select file/folder-àenter


·         How to change name of folder/file(Rename)

·         Select file/folder-àright click-àlist-àrename-àwrite new name-àok/enter

·         Select file./folder-àpress F2 from keyboard-àwrite new name-àok/etner

·         How to make duplicate of file/transfer from computer to Flash(Send To) without opening the flash

·         Select fil/folder-àright click-àlist-àsend to-àsublist-àSelect flash(removeable disk/Desktop)

·        How to make duplicate of file/folder(copy)

·         Select file/folder-àright click-àlist-àcopy-à Open My computer-àopen flash-àSelect file/folder-(Flash)àright click-àlist-àPaste

·         Select file/folder-àPress Ctrl+C-à Select file/folder-àPress ctrl+V from keyboard


·        How to move file/folder from one place to another place(cut)

·         Select file/folder-àright click-àlist-àcut-à Select file/folder-àright click-àlist-àPaste

·         Select file/folder-àPress Ctrl+xà Select file/folder-àPress ctrl+V from keyboard

·         Drag file from one location to another location

·       How to show /hide file/folder

·         Select file/folder-àright click-àlist-àproperties-àdialog box-àcheck hidden-àapply-àok(Hide)




·         Select file/folder-àright click-àlist-àproperties-àdialog box-àuncheck hidden-àapply-àok(unhide)

·         How to show hidden files

·         Open my computer-àorganize/View-à folder option-àdialog box-àview tab-àcheck show hidden  files option-àApplyàok

·         Open my computer-àorganize-à folder option-àdialog box-àview tab-àcheck don’t Show hidden files option


·        How to make file readonly

·         Select file/folder-àright click-àlist-àproperties-àdialog box-àcheck readonly-àapply-àok

·         Select file/folder-àright click-àlist-àproperties-àdialog box-àuncheck readonly-àapply-àok

How to check size of file

·         Select file/folder-àright click-àlist-àproperties-àdialog box-à

o    Location

o    Size       

o    Size on disk

·         ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

·        Taskbar property:

·        How to show toolbar on task bar

·         Right click on task bar-àlist-àtools bar-àsublist-àcheck/uncheck any option

·         Desktop

·         Address

·         Keyboard

·         Links

·         Custom

·       How to make window stacked/cascad/side by side

·         Right click on task bar-àlist-à stacked/cascad/Side by side





·       How to show desktop directly from taskbar

·        Right click on task bar-àlist-à show desktop


·       How check the task Manager functions

·         Right click on task bar-àlist-à task manager-àdialog box-àcheck detail

·         Press Alt+ctrl+Delete from keyboard-àdialogbox-àcheck details



·      How to lock/unlock the taskbar

·         Right click on task bar-àlist-àlock/unlock taskbar

·         Right click on task bar-àlistàdialogbox-à lock/unlock taskbar apply-àok


·     Taskbar Property/Setting

·        How to automatically show/hide taskbar

·        Right click on task bar-àlist-à propertyàdialogbox-àauto hide/show taskbar-àapply-àok

·        Right click on task bar-àlist-à property-àdialogbox-àcheck auto hide-àapply-àok


·        How to show small icons on taskbar

·         Right click on task bar-àlist-à property-àdialogbox-àcheck small icons-àapply-àok


·        How to change/set date and time

·         Double click on date/time icon on notification area-àdialogbox-àchange date/time-àapply -àok


·       Start Menu Property

·         Right click on task bar-àlist-à property-àdialogbox-àstart menu tab-àapply settingàapply-àok

·         Right click on start menu-àproperty-à dialogbox-àstart menu tab-àapply settingàapply-àok

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