Thursday, March 31

How to Write Best Fiverr Profile Description

1.Introduce Yourself

  • Always write your profile description in simple English
  •  Try to use Simple English because a lot of people on Fiverr has not perfect English
  • 2.Get Ideas From Others

On Fiverr for writing description, if you are  confused that how to represent yourself, you can check other people’s profiles and can see what they have written in their Profile Description.
Only get an Idea from their Profile.

  • 3. Don’t Copy Some one Others Profile

 Never do Copy other people Profile description, You can get ideas from other people, but trying to copy other people Fiverr profiles is not a good idea.

  • 4. Use Grammar and Spelling to Improve English

It is important to write a Description without Grammar

5. Brief Introduction about Yourself

Write about you a Brief Introduction about yourself. Like

·         Your name

·         What you do

·         Where you are studying

6.Brief Description on Experience

·         Always try to write your Experience in the Profile description.

·         I have been working in this field with these top Companies.

7.Why Hire Me

Always write advantage in your profile description so people should choose you because that is important,

·         It will define why people should order on your Fiverr Gig.

·         You can discuss your project with me Free of Cost!

8.Be Always Unique

·         Try to be unique, write a unique description, and try to explain yourself in better and own words.

·         You should be honest that will help you to be unique among others.

·         Focus on Customer Satisfaction.

·         Write a Clear and Sharp Description. ...

·         Add Call to Action

Tuesday, March 29

What is Gig on fiverr

Sellers are allowed to post a select amount of active Gigs based on their Level status.

  • 7 Gigs for Sellers without a Level status.
  •   10 Gigs for Level 1 Sellers.
  •   20 Gigs for Level 2 Sellers.
  •   30 Gigs for Top Rated Sellers.

 Gigs and/or users may be removed by Fiverr from the Site for violations of these Terms of Service:

     Illegal or Fraudulent services

  •         Copyright Infringement, Trademark Infringement, and violation of a third party's terms of service
  •        Adult oriented services, Pornographic, Inappropriate/Obscene
  •        Intentional copies of Gigs
  •       Spam, nonsense, or violent or deceptive Gigs
  •        Gigs misleading to Buyers or others
  •         Reselling of regulated goods
  •         Offering to prepare academic works on behalf of Buyers
  •         Exceedingly low quality Gigs
  •         Promoting Fiverr and/or Fiverr Gigs through activities that are prohibited by any laws, regulations, and/or third parties' terms of service, as well as through any marketing activity that negatively affects our relationships with our users or partners.
  •          Gigs that are removed for violations mentioned above may result in the suspension of the Seller’s account.
  •          Gigs that are removed for violations are not eligible to be restored or edited.
  •          Gigs may be removed from our Search feature due to poor performance and/or user misconduct.
  •          Gigs may include per-approved website URLs contained within the Gig description and requirements box.
  •          Gigs are required to have an appropriate Gig image related to the service offered.
  •          Gigs may contain an approved Gig Video uploaded through the Gig management tools available on Fiverr.
  •          A statement on the Gig Page that undermines or circumvents these Terms of Service is prohibited.
  •          Eligible Gigs in select Categories may set up Gig Packages to offer their services in structured formats with multiple price points for the selected Gig.
  • Certain categories are available only to Pro Sellers to create Gigs. If you are not a Pro Seller, creating a Gig for services available to Pro only may result in removal of your Gig

What is out Sourcing on Fiverr

 Allows Sellers to send Custom Offers outside of Fiverr.

  • Seller on Fiverr Anywhere must follow fiverr Terms of Service.
  • Users accessing and purchasing from a Fiverr Anywhere offer that are not already members of Fiverr, will be required to register with Fiverr to create an Order.
  • Sellers are required to deliver proof of completion of services in the Order Page.
  • Communication for handling Orders should be performed on Fiverr

Limitations of Fiverr Studios

 Each Fiverr Studio has one Studio Lead. Similarly, a Studio Lead may not operate more than one Fiverr Studio.

  • A Fiverr Studio can offer up to five Studio Gigs, each comprised of up to four Studio Members in addition to the Studio Lead.
  • Studio Gig Reviews: Studio Gig Buyers are able to leave a public review on the Studio Gig

What is Fiverr Studios

 Fiverr allows certain Sellers to collaborate with each other and offer Buyers a multi-service Gig .

  • The Studio Lead is responsible for inviting all Studio Members and managing all incoming Orders,.
  • Studio Gigs: A Studio Gig provides a bundle of services (from two services and up to five) within one Gig.
  •  A Studio Gig’s minimum price is US$100.

Gig Subscription(Fixed Price)

A project with fixed Price term subscription for a specific Gig

  • Seller will deliver one Order of the same Gig on a requirement basis, as agreed between the Seller and Buyer.
  • Buyers may cancel future Orders under the Gig Subscription before payment is made for such future Orders.
  •  Once payment is made, Fiverr Order can be Canceled under the Fiverr policy will apply.
  • Gig Subscription up to 10 days before the next consecutive Order seller can cancel

What is Project Milestones

 A large Project of  $100 may include up to six project milestones

  • The minimum amount for each milestone is $50
  • The project should include at least two milestones.
  • Each milestone is paid and delivered separately in accordance with each Gig
  • If First a milestone is delivered and marked as completed,
  • Buyers may choose to either continue with the Order and
  •  If not pay for the next milestone, or to stop the Order/work.
  • If Buyer does not pay for the next milestone within 10 days of acceptance of previous milestones
  • , the Order under the next milestones will not start.
  •  A milestone will be automatically marked as complete if no acceptance or request for modification were submitted within 8 days.
  •  after being marked as Delivered, however, in such case all further milestones will not start.


Custom Offer on Fiverr

 You can send Custom Offers for specific requirements of a Buyer.

  • Only Seller can send offer with the exact description of the service, the price and the time
  • Custom Offers are sent from PMB(Private Message Board)
  • Custom Offers may not violate Fiverr Terms of Service

Monday, March 28

Fiverr Business Catalog Account

  • Normally Made for larger teams and businesses. 
  • Required to comply with certain professional standards. 
  • Fiverr Business catalog will be regularly evaluated by Fiverr 
  • Fiverr reserves the right to remove Sellers and Gigs from the Fiverr Business catalog.

Pro Sellers Responsibility on Fiverr

 Pr-verified professionals who are selected by Fiverr editors. 

  • Anyone can apply for pro Seller
    • Professional freelancers who are new to Fiverr
    • Existing Fiverr Sellers
  • Pro Sellers eligibility is constantly Measure by Fiverr
  • Fiverr can change a Pro Seller status in light of evaluation.
  • Top Rated Sellers who cannot maintain their high quality service through a severe drop in ratings
  • If not delivering on time, increased cancellation rate

Top Rated Sellers on Fiverr Responsibility

 Fiverr editors through review process based on seniority select top Rated Sellers.

  •  Top Rated Sellers gain access to more extensive features than previous level 1 ,level 2
  • Fiverr constantly evaluates top Rated eligibility.
  • Fiverr can change a Top Rated Seller status in light of evaluation.
  • Top Rated Sellers who cannot maintain their high quality service through a severe drop in ratings
  • If not delivering on time, increased cancellation rate

How many Levels on Fiverr

Sellers who invest in self-promotion may achieve greater customer satisfaction.

  • Seller must deliver on time and maintain high quality and ratings
  • Levels Increase periodically by an automated system.
  • Seller can achieve Level 1, 2, and Top Rated.
  • Sellers who cannot maintain their high quality service, drop in ratings
  • Losing their Seller status, benefits that come with it can be lost.
  • Levels growing provide their owners with additional benefits, including offering Gigs for higher prices.

Gig® Extras

 §  Gig Extras : Extra Gigs  are additional services offered on top of the Seller’s Gig

    • May be removed for violations
    • Gigs are subject to be removed due to violations found in Gig Extras.

§  The amount of Gig Extras, for each Gig is based on your Seller Level.

§  Gig Extras must be related to the base service of client work.

§  Gig Extras may cover different categories of services that are components to a higher quality delivered service.

§  Sellers  May extend the duration of an Order for each Gig Extra

§  This time needed to complete the extra service.