To prevent fraud and abuse, users are limited to one active Fiverr account and one active Fiverr Business account. Any additional account determined to be created to circumvent guidelines, promote competitive advantages, or mislead the Fiverr community will be disabled.
Selling Accounts - You may not buy or sell Fiverr accountsMonday, April 4
User Conduct and Protection
Fiverr enables people around the world to create, share, sell and purchase nearly any service they need at an unbeatable value
User Generated Content
On Fiverr User Generated Content ("UGC") refers to the content added by users as opposed to content created by the Site. All content uploaded to Fiverr by our users
Fiverr does not check
user uploaded/created content for violations of copyright, trademarks, other
rights or violations and the user uploading/creating such content shall be
solely responsible for it and the consequences of using, disclosing, storing,
or transmitting.
What is Logo Design Commercial use license:
When an order on fiverr through the Logo Maker is completed, and subject to payment, the Seller grants the Buyer a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, irrevocable license to use the Logo Design embedded with the Buyer’s brand name for any purpose, except for any illegal, immoral or defamatory purpose
What is Fiverr Logo Maker
Fiverr Logo Maker Sellers are chosen manually by Fiverr editors through an ongoing review process based on quality of designs, seniority, volume of sales, high ratings, exceptional customer care, high order completion rate and more.
What is Disputes and Cancellations
- Seller and buyer can disputes on fiverr if any misconduct them self.
- We encourage our Buyers and Sellers to try and settle conflicts amongst themselves.
- If for any reason this fails after using the Resolution Center or if you encounter non-permitted usage on the Site, users can contact Fiverr's Customer Support department for assistance
Reviews (Feed Back for change or comment)
- Feedback reviews are essential part of Fever’s rating system.
- Feedback reviews will not be removed unless there are clear violations of our Terms of Service
- To prevent any misuse of our Feedback system, always care about feedback, effect on all other feedback reviews
- Feedback publicly displayed on a Seller’s Gig page.
- Work Samples are the delivered images and videos sent to a Buyer in a delivery message. Work Samples are added to a Seller's Live Portfolio on their Gig page
- Responding and posting a review: Once work is delivered, the Buyer has three days to respond. If no response is provided within the response period, the Order will be considered completed.
- Users are allowed to leave reviews on Orders up to 10 days after an Order is marked as complete. No new reviews may be added to an Order after 10 days.
- Sellers may not removal of feedback reviews from their Buyers through mutual cancellations.
- Once the Buyer submits his/her review, the Seller will receive a notification and will also have the opportunity to leave a review about working with the Buyer.
- Please Note: At this stage, Sellers cannot see the Buyer's review.
- Once both Seller and Buyer have completed their reviews, or the 10 days have passed, all posted reviews are made public.
- Responding to a review: Once both reviews from the Buyer and Seller have been published, the Seller can reply to the Buyer’s review from the Order page
Saturday, April 2
How to Handling Orders
- The Seller is notified by email When a Buyer orders a Gig,.
- Sellers must meet the delivery time they specified when creating their Gigs.
- Sellers must send completed files and/or proof of work using the Deliver Completed Work button
- Users are responsible for scanning all transferred files for viruses and malware
important step during order
- After payment is confirmed, your order unique order number (#FO) will be allotted.
- Sellers must deliver completed files with proof of work using the Deliver Work
- Using the “Deliver Work” button when an Order was not fulfilled may result in a cancellation of that Order after review
- An Order is marked as Complete after it is marked as Delivered and then accepted by a Buyer.
- A milestone (on an Order with milestones) is marked as Complete after it is delivered by the Seller the next milestone, or to stop the Order.
- If Buyer does not pay for the next milestone within 10 days of acceptance of previous milestones, the Order under the next milestones will not start.
- Direct payment is not allowed (outside of the Fiverr platform.) .
- Fiverr have right of all publicly published delivered works for Fiverr marketing and promotional purposes.
- Users should refrain from using the Post a Request feature for any purpose other than looking for services on Fiverr.
Friday, April 1
What is BUYERS on Fiverr
§ Direct payments are not allowed (outside of the Fiverr platform.)
§ Fiverr have right of all publicly published delivered works for
Fiverr marketing and promotional purposes.
What is Shipping Physical Deliverables
Always define a shipping pricing factor.
§ Shipping pricing factor must have physical deliverables sent to Client.
§ Only pertains to the cost Sellers require to ship physical items
to Buyers.
§ Always e asked to provide a shipping address.
§ Sellers are responsible for all shipping arrangements once the
Buyer provides the shipping address.
§ Fiverr does not handle or guarantee shipping, tracking, quality,
and condition of items or their delivery and shall not be responsible.
A tracking number is a
great way to avoid disputes related
to shipping.
What are Stock Images on fiverr
§ Eligible Gigs have the option to use Stock Images.
§ Choose from an exclusive catalog of images as part of the final
delivery of work.
§ Sellers earn 25% of revenue from the Stock Images Extra, for
completed orders only.
§ Important: Each selected Stock Image is authorized for a one-time
§ Important: If you cancel an Order that includes a Stock Image,
the usage of that Stock Image will be cancelled as well and you will no longer
be able to use the Stock Image Extra on the same Order.
§ All Stock Images are licensed who has full ownership and
copyrights to the Stock When using Stock Images, you represent and warrant the
o You may not sell, modify, re-use, re-sell, distribute, display,
reproduce or make any other use of the Stock Images.
o Stock Image(s) may not be used:
o as templates used to create multiple copies of the same Gig;
o enabling file-sharing of the image file; or
o in logos, trademarks, service marks