Wednesday, August 17

How t o Install Word Press on PC

 1.Download Word press and Xampp Server

2.Install Xampp server by double click-àNext-àNextàFinish

3.Extract Wordpress Folder and copy internal files

4.Goto C Driveàxampp folder-àhtdocs-àCreate new folderàPaste Worpress  Copied data


5.Open any browser(firfox,chroom)--àaddressbar-àlocalhost-àPHP my Admin--àDatabase--àWrite dabase Name-àcreate

6.Open browser-àaddresssbar-àwrite(localhost/sports)-àenter

7.Installation start-àSelect English and Continue

8. Write some details

1. Databae Name (db_sports)

2. Databse User Name (root)

3. Database Password (empty)

4. Host Name (local host)

5. Table prefix (leave it same)

  • Press Lets Go
  •  Fill Form and Submit
  •  Run Installation
  •  Fill the Information
  • Finish and Login with user and pasword

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