Wednesday, December 28

The top 5 Digital marketing trends of 2022


The top 5 Digital marketing trends of 2022

1‌. Privacy and cookies

To improve internet privacy, Google is on a mission to remove third-party cookies from its websites, and Firefox and Safari no longer support them. This change will likely impact how your onsite ads and banner ads are displayed. Websites won’t be able to use tracking cookies to populate ads.

2. Voice SEO

Digital assistants are still trending, and many of your customers are using them to make their lives easier. Features like Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google’s digital assistant let people search the internet without even picking up their phones. In 2021, 20% of internet searches were voice-based.

3. SMS marketing

Common uses of SMS marketing include promotions, coupons, and personalized messages. Keep these messages short and make sure your customers can opt out.

4. Video marketing

You can also connect with your audience by creating TikTok business videos and other social media content. Share your videos with common hashtags to help users find them.

5. Email marketing/segmentation

Privacy is top of mind for internet providers and users alike. Show the same consideration to your email list. When you’re email marketing, segment your list and send personalized emails to different segments.