Wednesday, August 17

How t o Install Word Press on PC

 1.Download Word press and Xampp Server

2.Install Xampp server by double click-àNext-àNextàFinish

3.Extract Wordpress Folder and copy internal files

4.Goto C Driveàxampp folder-àhtdocs-àCreate new folderàPaste Worpress  Copied data


5.Open any browser(firfox,chroom)--àaddressbar-àlocalhost-àPHP my Admin--àDatabase--àWrite dabase Name-àcreate

6.Open browser-àaddresssbar-àwrite(localhost/sports)-àenter

7.Installation start-àSelect English and Continue

8. Write some details

1. Databae Name (db_sports)

2. Databse User Name (root)

3. Database Password (empty)

4. Host Name (local host)

5. Table prefix (leave it same)

  • Press Lets Go
  •  Fill Form and Submit
  •  Run Installation
  •  Fill the Information
  • Finish and Login with user and pasword

The Disadvantages or Draw bags of WordPress


  1.         You Need Lots of Plugins For Additional Features. ...
  2.          Frequent Theme and Plugin Updates. ...
  3.          Slow Page Speed. ...
  4.          Poor SEO Ranking. ...
  5.          Website Vulnerability. ...
  6.          Website Can Go Down Without Notice.

Benefits of using the WordPress Platform


1. Flexible and Adaptable for Changing Needs

2. User-friendly—Even for Beginners

3. Themes Offer Multiple Options

4. Plugins Extend Functionality

5. WordPress Sites Rank High

6. WordPress Sites Are Mobile Responsive

7. WordPress Sites Have a Built-In Blog

8. The WordPress Community Offers Support

What is Wordpress


Word press

Word press is software used to develop

·         web page,

·         websites,

·         blogs,

·         online store

Without coding using plug in and themes